Chicken Livers with Parsley

Chicken Livers with Parsley


·         300 gram chicken livers, sprinkled with lemon juice
·         1 to 2 onions, chopped
·         2 cloves of garlic
·         1 tablespoon cornflour
·         1/2 cup chicken stock
·         1/2 teaspoon dried herbs
·         1/2 teaspoon paprika
·         Pinch cayenne 
·         Salt and black pepper to taste
·         Parsley

How to make it:
1.      Sauté the onion in a little bit of oil, until softened.
2.      Add garlic and chicken livers and stir until the chicken livers are firm and lightly browned.
3.      Add spices and dried herbs.
4.      Combine the cornflour and the stock into a paste and add to chicken liver.
5.      Reduce heat and simmer gently for 7 to 10 minutes, until cooked to taste.
6.      Flavour with salt, black pepper and cayenne.
7.      Sprinkle with parsley and serve on toast


Healthy Ingredients: Preformed Vitamin A - retinol

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin. There are 2 types of vitamin A found in the diet.
Preformed vitamin A (retinol) is an active form of vitamin A and can be used directly by the body. It is also known as retinol because it produces the pigments in the retina of the eye. Chicken livers are a good food source of retinol vitamin A.

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