It’s heating up out there. And while a warm mug of tea did the trick in winter, we now begin to crave that icy cold kiss on our lips. Keep in mind though, that refreshing bevvie you so readily grabbed from the refrigerator may be doing more harm to your health than you realise. Of course, we know fizzy soda drinks are bad, right? But did you know that just a single can contains anywhere between 6 and 9 teaspoons of sugar? Okay. So you reach for an ice tea or flavoured water instead. You’re not much better off. These seemingly healthier alternatives can contain 4 to 6 teaspoons of sugar. But don’t lose hope just yet.
After a heavy session at the gym, give that sports drink a skip and reach for coconut water instead. With 294mg of potassium and only 5mg of sugar (a fifth of the processed sugar found in most sports drinks!), coconut water will have you feeling hydrated in no time! Alongside potassium, coconut water contains magnesium, phosphorous and calcium. As such, it can be an excellent addition to your morning routine, getting you ripe and ready for the day ahead. And with the season of overindulgence fast approaching, it’s also worth mentioning that these essential electrolytes make coconut water one of the best hangover cures!
The aloe vera plant has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, but nowadays it’s being bottled to be found in the beverages aisle of your local supermarket. This could be good news. A single serving guarantees 30% of your daily vitamin C. Aloe water also contains vitamin B12, folate, copper and potassium. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is even sometimes used to help treat heartburn or constipation. Although it contains sugars in the compounds known as glyconutrients, they are not sweet-tasting and have no immediate effect on blood sugar as sucrose or table sugar do. However, it is advisable that you first consult with your doctor as it may interact with any herbs, supplements or medications you’re taking. And be sure to read the labels first as some brands add sugar to sweeten the flavour.
In the end though, could there be anything better than a home-made remedy? Make your own lemonade or ice tea, mindful of the amount of sugar that you add. Keep your refrigerator stocked up and a couple of 500ml bottles at the ready for when you’re on the move. An old adage rings true: If you want something done right, do it yourself. Avoid skimming label after label, trying to find that sugar-free fix. Instead, avoid the labels altogether and take a seat at the helm of your own health. Over time, your tastebuds will learn to appreciate the finer things in life, lovingly prepared by your own two hands with a few simple ingredients. After all, you’re worth it.
Date Published: 26 October 2016