Pet hotels, the one more luxurious and expensive than the other, are popping up all over the world to offer cats and dogs a world of entertainment and relaxation while their human caretakers go on holiday. Looking at these hotels – or rather all-inclusive resorts – one can’t help to wonder who will come back more relaxed after the holiday, the human or the furry friend?
Chateau Poochie in Florida is luxury unleashed with elegantly decorated rooms and suites equipped with flat screen televisions, a chandelier and custom bedding. But that’s not all; canine and feline four-legged guests get the full five star experience as the hotel offers spa treatments with facials and pedicures, a fitness centre, personal trainers and also a zen wellness centre with massage therapy, acupressure and weight loss counselling.
If you think the pets in the States are the only ones to be the cat’s whiskers, think again because the same type of hotels are beginning to mark their territory in South Africa in the luxurious pet accommodation industry.
Gone are the days of small, dull kennels or handing the house key over to your neighbour to look after Spot, Bella and Buddy.
In some five star hotels (meant for humans) the question is not who let the dogs out anymore, but rather who let the dogs in? The stylish Twelve Apostles Hotel in Cape Town understands how difficult it is to leave your pet at home and offers guests selected rooms with a range of pet beds, bowls and even pet menus. Upon arrival you have to pay a deposit just in case man’s best friend causes some damage to the bedspread’s thread-count or has a nibble on the slippers which are provided for the humans and not for canine consumption.
AtFrits, a dog hotel in Cape Town, has a dog behaviourist on the premises to screen each animal so that they can be put in the most appropriate playpen while the uniquely-themed rooms are equipped with a camera for owners to video call their dogs and watch their every move on a nifty smartphone app. The hotel offers playtime and spoiling services for day visitors at the dog bar; there is a vet, a spa and also an a la carte menu on offer. It certainly is a dog’s life after all!
But pooches are not the only ones wagging their tails.
At cat hotels things can’t be more purrfect; nine lives equal simple elegance times nine which leaves every feline smiling like a Cheshire cat as they find tranquility in boutique style lodges with gardens, scratching posts, classical music and hammocks.
The pet hotel industry is on the rise as vacationers need the peace of mind that their pets are well taken care of, that they get enough exercise and stimulation, play time, cuddles and belly rubs with prices ranging from budget-friendly dormitories to platinum suites.
The services, treats and luxury on offer at these type of pet hotels mean one big pamper party fit for a furry king and queen but if you think you are invited then you are barking up the wrong tree.
Date Published: 05 December 2016