“Treat others as you would want to be treated. Everything after that will fall into place.” Wise words and the life motto of Peter Myburg; the former Mr. PE (2013), Mr Entrepreneur, an IRONMAN warrior, humanitarian, business owner and local Port Elizabethan.
Myburg is a man of many talents who tackles obstacles and opportunities with both hands, firmly and boldly, with a personality radiating with kindness as he flashes a heartwarming smile.
In 2016, Myburg competed in the IRONMAN, and as an ambassador for the South African Audio Association, he raised awareness and funds to give a child with a hearing disability the chance of hearing. A champion for the cause, he stressed the importance of hearing and hearing aids during his campaign: #RacingForHearing.
He is a sportsman at heart and through the art of sports he has learnt valuable life and leadership lessons, from working hard to staying committed and dedicated. Daily, these values he applies to his life. So far they’ve proven to be a winning combo.
Myburg constantly inspires in all aspects, from the sports field to his other (equally vital) healthy habits to standing up for causes he believes in. Wherever he goes he strongly encourages others. He motivates to get moving, and to get involved. It’s simple he’ll tell you. “Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. It will require hard work but all is possible if the will to achieve is as bad as your want to breathe. So never give up”.
An advocate of what you can achieve with a full life, a typical day for Myburg will start before the sun salutes the morning air with a swim or cycle session just after 4 am, followed by a demanding day of meetings, seeing to projects on the go, working with clients and chasing deadlines. Phew. You’d think he’d stop there but oh no. At the end of his business day, he’ll still find the time to go for a run. Pretty intense, right? But don’t be fooled. Ultimately some time to unwind is just as important to the healthy lifestyle he leads.
To Myburg, a healthy lifestyle means living in a way that leaves you feeling energetic, maintaining a good balance between eating well, exercising, sleeping and staying on course with a positive outlook on life. And it’s just as fundamental for our mental health and overall quality of life, he adds, as a healthy lifestyle only enhances your mood and improves longevity.
Of course, you can’t run on an empty tank, naturally! So what keeps this man fired up? The busy bee in question fuels his body by starting with a good breakfast that usually consists of a blueberry smoothie containing MCT oil, probiotics, electrolytes, wheat grass, flaxseeds, honey and phylissium husk. For lunch he will have any protein with vegetables or salad and dinner can be anything from pasta to pizza.
Pizza you ask?! Well, as the man himself insists, 70% of your meals should be healthy choices but we shouldn’t be too critical about every little thing we eat. He turns to chocolate for a (not so!) guilty pleasure and believes that living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be a tedious affair. “Don’t forget to have fun along the way. Life is a journey to be enjoyed.” Great advice from a man who knows a thing or two about good living!
Between working out and working in an office, Myburg also makes time for the things he enjoys most, like travelling and reading, reveling in a sense of freedom and the knowledge he’s cultivated, learning as he has from other cultures and other lives.
There’s no secret to getting out there and living the stuff dreams are made of. In the end really, Myburg sums it up effortlessly. “Set goals. Start small, be consistent and seek advice. The beginning is always tough but the outcomes will be worth it.”
And while it always feels as though it’s easier said than done, could there be anything better than a life packed with purpose? Peter Myburg’s doing it, and he’s sure of one thing… No one’s stopping you either. So what are we waiting for? It’s there for the taking!
For more inspiration, follow Peter on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
View one of his inspirational videos here.
Date Published: 27 February 2017