There are slump times and there are slump times. Times when you need to step back into yourself, to rest, recoup and resurface stronger than before. And times when you find yourself stuck in life, growing stagnant, without intending or needing it, and worst of all, unable to break free.
Are you there now? Let’s see if this fun quiz can help you find out AND help you *get out* too.
Tally your score by adding the points that appear alongside your choice of answers.
1. How are your relationships scoring right now?
- They’re in deep chill mode (in other words, they’re kind of dormant) [1]
- A lot of work, mostly draining rather than benefitting me [2]
- Up and down - moments of awesomeness interspersed with smatterings of treachery and betrayal [3]
- I’ve figured out a few ground rules with my nearest and dearest to help get through the tough times without shattering the relationship [4]
2. How would you describe your general state of mind?
- Distracted [1]
- Overstretched and overwhelmed [2]
- By turns stressed and focused [3]
- Besides the occasional bump, mostly zen [4]
3. Which option best describes your work vibe?
- It pays the bills so I’m all about looking busy, counting down the minutes ‘til knock-off and sending everyone ridiculous memes about how far each day is from the weekend [1]
- I'm pretty good at my job, but I'm much more interested in this game I’m playing on my phone, and in the social media exploits I get up to when nobody's looking [1]
- I’m committed, but I'm drowning in a sea of unanswered emails, incomplete projects, looming deadlines and the (imagined) disapproval of my superiors [2]
- I revel in finding cool new solutions to problems that arise, and in constantly upping my game, but throw a pity party when my boss doesn’t adequately acknowledge my efforts [3]
- I’ve found the sweet spot where nailing my job gives me enough personal satisfaction that I’m not fussed if no one else even notices. Accolades are nice, but I’m motivated by something deeper [3]
4. What awaits you at the end of the day?
- That glorious bottle of wine and the chance to feed my latest series addiction [1]
- Getting the hell away from my beastly colleagues and diving into the world wide web - at least on Facebook I can decide whose nonsense gets into my headspace! [1]
- Chaos and mayhem until the kids/pets/other humans are seen to and I can knock back a drink, wolf down my supper, and escape into the oblivion of sleep [2]
- Breaking bread with my people, and a toss-up between my latest read and catching a few shows while I scroll through my feed (only partly mindlessly) [3]
- Getting outside to kick a ball or walk the dogs, followed by some culinary experimentation while I connect with my people, and perhaps a bit of TV but only in the background while I pursue my new passion for sketching (or guitar, or doing an open MIT course on astrophysics ;) [4]
5. How do you feel about food?
- I don’t have time to think about it, just grab whatever is easiest and does the job of filling me up [1]
- Love/hate, so I swing from dieting to bingeing to something in between - with a side-helping of guilt at every meal [2]
- It’s trying to ruin my life, so I micro-manage it according to a strict protocol [3]
- I love food, take pleasure in its preparation, eat as wide a variety as possible with a nod to covering the macros, but I’ll indulge once in a while without guilt [4]
6. Let’s talk about exercise
- The only time you’ll see me running is if there’s booze at the finish line, dahling [1]
- I’ll run/take a class, but tbh, only when the guilt becomes too great to suppress [2]
- I gym regularly but not to the point that I’m stumbling out with jelly legs or anything [3]
- It’s essential - I live an active lifestyle and go all out in the gym at least three times a week [4]
7. What keeps you trucking:
- Gotta pay those bills, why else would I get out of bed? [1]
- Fear - of falling behind, of insurmountable debt, of failing to meet mine and others’ expectations [2]
- Dreams of greatness drive me to push hard to succeed [3]
- Limitless potential! Each day is a chance to ace something, to learn something else, and to experience something new [4]
8. How do you feel about your own self:
- Meh, let’s talk about something else [1]
- Can’t look myself in the mirror for all the flaws [2]
- I’m pretty rad if I may say so. I look great (from most angles) and I can charm the socks off of anyone [3]
- I’m cool with what I look like, flaws and all; proud of my body for how far it’s got me, and I’m loving the lifelong process of growing and improving my inner self [4]
- 8 – 14 points (mostly a’s) So...this is awkward, but let me just come right out and say it: you’re in a colossal rut. Very definitely so. So much so that the rut is actually just business as usual in your world. Look, it may be comfy where you are, but it’s not living. Try zoning in on one area of your life represented above and challenge yourself to 30 days of being and doing something more[http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/12-life-changing-challenges-can-try-30-day-projects/]. As soon as the self-improvement bug bites, you’ll be on your way out of that rut. The world awaits!
- 15 – 18 points (mostly b’s) Truth is, you know you’re in a rut, but you’re too paralysed by fear to change. You’re so wired to shun discomfort and adversity that you’ve lost all faith in your own capacity to confront a challenge. It’s time to clean the fog off that mirror and see the true warrior reflected back at you. You *can* turn your life around, starting today. Go out there and slay [http://www.comfortzonecrusher.com/], you beast. You’ve had it in you all along! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElVUqv0v1EE]
- 19 – 23 points (combination mostly c’s) You’ve put some effort into honing and polishing some areas of your life, but you need to take the next step towards enlightenment and make this crucial work on your constantly-evolving self a regular habit. Start with strengthening your self-knowledge and the rest will fall into place.
- 24 – 26 points (mostly d’s) You’re definitely not in a rut. Maaaaybe there’s one area you need to take from “a little too much ego” to “enlightenment,” but on the whole, you’re creaming this self-improvement game. Good for you! Don’t forget to spread the wisdom - empowering others only strengthens us all.
Date Published: 09 May 2016