Seeing through the clutter

Seeing through the clutter

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and helpless - take a look around. Clutter can play a significant role in how we view our surroundings and ourselves. It’s a fact: both physical clutter and mental clutter bog down our productivity. 

Luckily, clutter is one of the easiest life-stressors to fix. Here are the top three strategies to do just that:

1. Log it!

Organised people aren’t born with the ability to remember every birthday, holiday, meeting and special occasion – they’ve just trained themselves to write EVERYTHING down. After all, we’re twice as likely to remember what we write down.

No, this doesn’t require you to carry around a pen and paper with you everywhere you go; smartphones and computers are great for keeping track, too! 

Trying to stay organized by memory will not keep you on the ball. It just creates more mental clutter (read: stress, fear of forgetting). 

Here are some examples of when to write things down:

  • When you’re watching your weight, make a food diary. You’ll be more aware of what your bad habits are, and more likely to break them.
  • When you’re getting fit, keep track of your fitness. You’ll get into a routine and have more targeted, successful workouts.
  • When you meet someone new, write his or her name down. You’ll be surprised how many more names you remember!
  • Before shopping, make a list. You’ll come home with fewer impulse buys and never forget the essentials.
  • When dealing with money, write down your cash and cheque purchases. It’s amazing how much we spend on frivolous stuff! You’ll keep better tabs on your bank account.
  • When you come across important dates like meetings, birthdays and social invites, mark your calendar. You’ll build better friendships and avoid double booking.
  • When you have a deadline (work task, assignment, application or otherwise), also mark it on your calendar. You’ll be less likely to procrastinate and more likely to impress.
  • When you’re watching your weight, make a food diary. You’ll be more aware of what your bad habits are, and more likely to break them.


2. Keep It Clean!

Ever heard the saying “a clean house is a clear mind”? Well, it’s true. For the majority of people, clutter overstimulates and muddies the mind.
More often than not (excluding those creatives out there who manage an organized mess), clutter leaves you feeling anxious and guilty while also stunting your productivity. Here are some simple ways to de-clutter your life:

  • Spring clean once a month.
    • Throw out expired items in your fridge and medicine cabinet.
    • Give your closet a good sweep and donate what you don’t need.
    • Review your files and shred any unnecessary documents.
  • Give everything a home – Never waste time looking for something ever again!
    • Regularly used items should be easily accessible. Lesser-used items should be hidden away.
    • Organie your bills, contracts and other important paperwork into clearly labeled folders.
  • Put items away immediately after each use – It sounds simple, but it takes a concentrated effort!
    • Clear off your workspace after each use – set the stage for productivity the next day.


3. Take It One Day at a Time

Make small progress each day. It helps you build up momentum and turn organisation into a habit.

Block out some time each day to work on de-cluttering your life. (Log it on your calendar!)

If you move at a pace you’re comfortable with, you’ll avoid adding unnecessary stress to your life.

It’s also important to make the process of getting organised fun! Play some music, invite the family to join in, and take small steps toward your clutter-free life!


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