Smart Spending for your Kids

Smart Spending for your Kids

Oh, the mental clarity of our carefree, pre-parenting selves, when not an ad agency could fool us. Whip-smart, we wielded our buying power with proud and careful judgement.  

Once, we’d roll our eyes at news of the latest cure-all superfood and outlandish baby gear. We’d have LOL’d at claims that, if we dared skip an educational activity, oh-beloved-child would still be sleeping in our beds and wearing nappies at 21, how would that be for smart spending?

Reality Check

But along came our bundles of joy and out went our smarts. All at once, our entire brains were turned towards said bundle and we sommer lost the ability to see through the fog and maintain focus on the cost of our kids. 

Now? The shame! We’re regularly seen hoarding miracle tinctures and bizarre accessories for our little ones’ sakes, breaking our banks and our mental wellbeing to haul them to every imaginable activity. How could we not? There is no price tag on our precious baby’s happiness! We will buy all the things - all of them! - if it will give our tots a better chance at achieving greatness. Right?

It is a beastly terrain we parents navigate, indeed.

Bonding and Not SpendingLove them, Hug them...But, Save on them!

Curb your enthusiasm

Before buying, call on your ‘village’. Everyone who’s ever had a baby will have things to share, from clothes and linen to toys and even some of the bigger items. New things are nice, but smart spending is wise. This way, you avoid adding to that carbon footprint plus you get to save your pennies for something special.

Don’t fret about kitting out the nursery right away. Many babies end up spending most of their time in mom and dad’s room anyway due to severe aversion to sleeping-alone-in-crib (a sidecar crib might be a better bet). Plus, limited eyesight for the first few months means a complete disinterest in decor!

Ignore the Hype

Don’t believe the hype - your tot’s development isn’t going to stall because you’ve failed to join every available baby class. The very best infant ‘education’ possible is actually a loving caregiver who talks to, plays with, and sings to them. Baby classes can be wonderful, but choose one that you both enjoy, that suits your schedule and provides support from like-minded parents.

Likewise the ‘crucial’ extra-mural activities punted to littlies as soon as they hit pre-school age. Your kids’ quality of life should always trump sporting or academic achievements. Choose only activities they love, and fiercely protect the time they have to freely explore the world.

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So, whenever that competitive spirit arises and you feel the pressure to buy more and do more, think about being a smart spender, remind yourself of what, deep down, we all already know: quality time with loved ones trumps material stuff and perpetual productivity any day.

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