The Happy List

The Happy List

September marks the beginning of spring, and brings with it many positive vibes. Just what most of us need to get out of the winter doldrums! It’s been a long winter, and sometimes it’s necessary to help these natural processes out a little, so we’ve put together this list of 51 Things Guaranteed to Make You Happy:

  1. It’s almost beach time! Who are we kidding? We’d be hard-pressed to admit that it’s not beach time 90% of the year
  2. Yay for SA weather!
  3. It’s Heritage Day at the end of the month, so we get to celebrate the culture and diversity of the beliefs and traditions of all South Africans
  4. This baby seeing his mom for the first time after getting new glasses
  5. Puppies
  6. Babies
  7. Puppies playing with babies
    An image
  8. Giving puppies and babies back to their owners/parents when they get too much
  9. Great smells: wet grass, the ocean, freshly baked bread, freshly ground coffee, popcorn at the movies
  10. Your morning coffee
  11. Waking up without an alarm clock
  12. Just “getting it” at work
  13. Smiling at strangers, and having them smile back
  14. Helping the elderly
  15. Teaching a kid how to kick a soccer ball
  16. Climbing to the top of the jungle gym, and singing “I’m the king of the castle, you’re a dirt rascal” to the losers on the ground
  17. PB & J sandwiches
  18. Sharing a bunny chow with friend
  19. Nature hikes
    An image
  20. Watching babies taste things for the first time
  21. Great Danes who think they’re lap dog
  22. Catching up with old friends over a glass of wine
  23. Knowing that sea otters sleep holding hands so that they don’t drift away from each other
  24. Singing along to your favourite songs during your daily commute
  25. New stationery
  26. Solving a brain teaser without googling it
  27. That feeling after gym when you know you’ve achieved something you didn’t think you’d survive!
  28. Reading bedtime stories to little children
  29. Me time
    An image
  30. Watching colourblind people see colour for the first time
  31. Freebie
  32. That just-showered feeling
  33. Laughing fits with friends
    An image
  34. Predicting the twist in a really good movie
  35. When your favourite character doesn’t die in Game of Throne
  36. Solving a Rubik’s cube for the first time
  37. Realising you’ve still got it because you solved a Sudoku puzzle after all these year
  38. Somersaulting into a pool
  39. … From a highboard
  40. ... In front of an audience
  41. Convincing the kids in your neighbour that you’re an undercover superhero
  42. Well executed high five
  43. That sneeze feeling
  44. Birds tweeting
  45. Dancing unselfconsciously
  46. Getting  retweeted by a celebrity
  47. Facebook like
  48. Impressive selfie
  49. Chappies “Did You Know” trivia
  50. Getting all green robots on your way home from work
  51. Reading Happy List
  52. Please feel free to add your own contributions to this list in the comments.

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