Wearing a stylish pair of spectacles has never been as fashionable as it is now. From Vintage to round shapes, geeky to classical, there are styles available that will suit any face shape. Here are a few popular styles trending this Winter.

Cat-eyes are characterized by frames that flare out near the temples. Cat-eye eyewear has made a come back for those individuals who are looking to stand out from the crowd. Spec-Savers cat-eye frames are available in high quality acetate.
Cat-Eye frames are best suited for round and heart-shaped faces.
A round face is widest at the cheekbones and narrows some at the forehead and jawline. Oversized, rectangular, and angular frames set off roundness.
With heart-shaped faces, the narrowest part of the face is at the jawline. Any frames that are wider on the top than they are at the bottom work well.
Round eyewear is characterized by curved frames that are equally wide and tall.


If you’re looking for a frame that’s timeless and that won’t date, you can’t go wrong with choosing a classic frame. These frames can be characterized by ovals and rectangles. Designs are simple with tradional colours, making them the perfect accompanyment to any outfit.
Date Published: 22 June 2016